1. Sleep well to study well Sleep is crucial to brain development as it helps brain cells grow and connect. Research says a sleep for 8 hours a day results in optimal functioning. In fact, a small power nap in the afternoon can also be a great booster to your performance in studies. Studies have revealed that our brain takes almost four days to recover ones we stay up all night. Hence, just shirk all night study sessions and sleep well to study well!
2. Exercise Getting moving will release vital neurotransmitters namely Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine in your body which will significantly ameliorate your attention span, information processing and problem solving skills. Thus, hitting a jogging track, gym or indulging in any other physical activity like dance will indeed surge your active learning and knowledge retention.
3. The Protégé Effect According to research studies, students who teach younger students score significantly higher than the students who only learnt for themselves. It is because when you teach someone, there is a deeper processing and better comprehension.
4. The Feynman Technique Physicist Robert Feynman created a mental model called The Feynman Technique to sharpen study skills. It incorporates 4 vital steps as follows:
Write the name of the concept on the top of a blank page which you want to learn.
Write down the explanation of that concept as if you are teaching a new student.
Identify what’s missing in it, go back and relearn that.
Last but not the least, revise everything and avoid using any complicated language. Keep everything as simple as possible on a page.
This technique helps in deconstructing and reconstructing ideas and is widely proven to engender better learning and retention.