Stress is an inevitable part of human life. There are several times in our lives where we don't find sufficient resources to deal with a difficult situation, effectively. Researches by psychologists suggest that a little amount of stress is beneficial for an individual for motivating and working efficiently. However, sometimes this beneficial stress turns into distress which eventually leads to a physical, psychological, and emotional disequilibrium. Thus, it becomes necessary to identify the sources and the symptoms of stress for adapting healthier coping mechanisms.
Causes of Stress: As time goes by, every situation or event, be it internal or external, is perceived differently by the same person. Some of the common causes of stress are as follows: -
External stressors: -
- - Change in the work environment
- - Sudden loss of a loved one
- - Interpersonal Relationship issues
- - Not able to manage between work and personal life
Internal Stressors:
- - Negative view towards self
- - Negative view towards self
- - Giving oneself unrealistic deadlines
- - Not able to give sufficient time to self
- - Pacifying ones emotions regularly
Signs that you are going through Distress: -
Physical Symptoms: -
- - Frequent Headaches
- - Loss of Appetite
- - Diarrhea or constipation
- - Rapid Increase in the heart rate
- - Rapid Increase in the heart rate
Psychological Symptoms: -
- - Inability to concentrate
- - Psychological Symptoms: -
- - Constant worrying
- - Fluctuation in Mood
- - Feeling of loneliness and isolation from loved ones
- - Worrisome
- - Negative view towards self
- - Change in the sleeping Patterns of an Individual
- - Procrastination or neglecting ones roles and responsibilities
Coping Mechanisms to Deal with Stress: - Some of the healthier coping mechanisms to deal with stressful situations are as follows:
- - Identifying the stressors for gaining an insight into main area of concern.
- - Practice the 4 A 's: - In your daily lives start using the 4 A ' s that is Avoid, Alter, Adapt, and Accept. Although avoiding could seem as a negative coping mechanisms. However, sometimes it becomes important to avoid for eliminating some stressors in our lives. Alter refers to altering our perception towards the situation. Adapt refers to adapting to the new change be it at our home or at our workplace to maintain a peace within self. Accept refers to accepting the presence of stress and working on it.
- - Engage in regular self care as self is the most important part of our lives, and we always forget to take care and pamper it.
- - Reflection and Mindfulness for getting in touch with our emotional upheavals and getting a solution for it. In the
- - Maintain a Work Life balance for increasing job satisfaction, productivity, and spending quality time with family.
- - Broadening the horizon for listening and accepting different perspectives.
- - Eating a Healthy Diet
- - Spending time with our loves ones
Stress being an imperative part of our lives, often makes us resort to unhealthier ways of coping like using substance. However, they are not only affecting us physically, but emotionally as well. Hence, using the above coping mechanisms can help one to better deal with stress. If you still feel over burdened talk to a therapist for venting out your emotions in a safe and protective environment.