Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfilment. The description of happiness has been found to be a comprehensive one, even though there is no exact definition of happiness. However, if we ask what happiness is, the responses that we get differ variedly. This is because happiness is experienced differently by each individual. For some people, happiness would mean staying close to your loved ones, and for some going out for party with friends would mean happiness.
Happiness has no fixed structure and will be different for all universally. It should be noted that the experience of it will also differ tremendously. For ex., a trip might have different impacts on people who were on the trip. Also, every individual has a different threshold for experiencing the variety of emotions.
Just like thresholds vary for each emotion, ways to experience them also vary. At times, people have identified in their long journey of life, what makes them happy. A few common examples are, meeting an old friend, being with your loved ones, eating delicious food, going on a trip, etc. It is not necessary for us to feel happy outwardly; it can also be experienced from internal physiology of the body. Happiness has an effect on our physiology and vice versa.
In the competitive times of work and life, one slowly gets detached from the ways to experience happiness and gets busy with the buzzing life. We all have become lost in our daily routine and work. People are coming up with the issues of life stress, work stress, work-life balance, stress and tension. By living the monotonous lives, we have lost the spontaneity and experimentation leading to stress, boredom, fatigue, or lethargy. The repetitive life schedule with no excitement may reflect sadness, irritability, mood changes, low productivity, absenteeism, etc.
Just like an electronic gadget, humans also need to recharge themselves to be able to function at an optimum level of productivity. To recharge, one needs to practice activities/exercises that we like to perform. At this point, it is advisable that the individual identifies the activities they like, and slowly try to execute them into their schedule. Engaging in activities that we like give us a pleasurable feeling, which further impacts the human physiology. There are multiple neuro-chemicals which are responsible for different feelings of the pleasurable nature, like dopamine makes us experience feeling of accomplishment; endorphins works as natural pain killers; serotonin regulates confidence; oxytocin is released while bonding and trust keeping; GABA helps to tackle anxiety naturally. The neurochemicals help in maintaining a regular functioning of the body.
The molecules are released when corresponding situations are experienced. To experience their effects naturally, we must engage in the activities of similar nature. The neurochemicals regulate the emotions naturally and help to avoid the experience of negative emotions. We must actively engage in performing the activities enriching the production of the chemicals. The activities can simply be identified based on your likes and dislikes, companionship, environment and surroundings, etc. It is advisable to keep the surprise factor alive in our lives for experiencing happiness and the like emotions often.